
Monday, January 05, 2009

Polls Now Open for 2008 Weblog Awards

Voting is now open for the 2008 Weblog Awards. Your humble hosts here at JWF are up for Best Large Blog after winning the Best New Blog in 2007.

So please consider us for Best Large Blog this time around. Others of note in this category are Sister Toldjah and Fausta, and we're proud to be considered in such company.

Here are some recommendations in some other categories. As I'm not listing them all, go to the main poll page for some other niche categories.

Best Blog: Hot Air.

Best Individual Blog: The Anchoress, although Jules Crittenden, Melissa Clouthier and Rachel Lucas are all fine choices.

Best Humor Blog
: Mother, May I Sleep With Treacher.

Best Conservative Blog: Flip the coins daily between Little Green Footballs, Ace of Spades HQ and Michelle Malkin. All have been very nice to JWF and have directed countless traffic our way.

Best Political Coverage: American Thinker.

Best Military Blog: This Ain't Hell, with Michael Yon and Blackfive also deserving.

Best Business Blog: Suitably Flip.

Best Blog Design: Snapped Shot.

Culture Blog: Dirty Harry's Place.

Middle East or Africa: Michael Totten, with Israellycool and Elder of Ziyon also worthy.

Australia/New Zealand: Tim Blair.

Major Blog: Instapundit, who has been most generous with links to JWF.

Best Very Large Blog: protein wisdom, along with Just One Minute, Patterico and Right Wing News are all fine choices.

Midsize Blog: Zomblog and Israel Matzav.

Small Blog: Pirate's Cove, Nice Deb and A Blog For All.

Up and Coming: McClatchy Watch and Sundries Shack.

Polls are open until next Monday. Good luck to all!

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