
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Suspected Terrorist Wants An Exorcist

Just when you think you have seen, heard or read it all along comes a story like this.

"Suspected" terrorist Ehsanul Islam Sadequee is claiming that interogators used mind control tactics to coerce a guilty plea out of him and is now asking for an exorcist to cast out the demons.
At Monday’s hearing, Sadequee asked U.S. Magistrate Judge Gerrylin Brill for an “exorcist” to free the “demons” placed in his head by authorities.

Brill denied the request.
Sadequee, whose rap name, er, prison name is Shifa, has also been attacked by another inmate. Of course his family is making all of the usual accusations about mistreatment and they fear for their poor terrorist supporting family member, no doubt being coached by somebody from CAIR.

Shifa, along with another suspect, are being held on charges of rendering material support for a terrorist organization linked to them being picked up while performing a recon mission, er, surveillance, darn it, sightseeing in Washington DC.

Ahmed was a Georgia Tech student at the time.

I did a search for this group that is helping them called the "Legal Justice Committee" with negative results.

Whatever demons may be possesing Sadequee, they weren't put in his head by the federal authorities currently holding him. I suggest he look into any madrasses he attended to look for the root cause of his demons.

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