
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

UN Human Rights Honcho Busted With Kiddie Porn

Stunning, isn't it? I know it's difficult to believe, but not all these UN officials are as reputable as they claim to be.
A high-ranking human rights worker with ties to the United Nations was nabbed at Kennedy Airport Tuesday with kiddie porn in his suitcase, officials said.

Clarence Dias, 65, president of the International Center for Law in Development, whose offices are located at the UN, had the smut in his carry-on bag as he passed through security on his way to a flight bound for Bangkok, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said.

Transportation Security Administration officials doing a random bag check around 8:20a.m. allegedly found a DVD whose cover featured an apparently underage nude boy and an adult male in Dias' handbag, prosecutors said.

The video's title - "Winner Pub Pattaya" - apparently refers to a beach resort in Thailand, authorities said. There were also other lewd photographs in the bag, authorities said.
Hmm. And he was headed to Thailand. I wonder what for?
Dias - who holds a doctorate in law from Bombay University and Cornell Law School and has taught at Boston College of Law - claimed the porn was for research, authorities said.

"He admitted it was his - but tried to play it off. He said he was doing research on how to better make sure kids' rights were not abused," a police source said. "Yeah, sure. It's always research."

Calls to Dias' office went straight to voicemail Tuesday.

The humanitarian group calls itself "a Third World NGO [nongovernmental organization] concerned about human rights in the development process."

This is the latest sex scandal to roil the UN.

The agency came under fire in 2002 for turning a blind eye to wide-scale sexual abuse of West African refugee children by its own aid workers and peacekeepers.
They'll also likely turn a blind eye to this.

Gateway Pundit and Instapundit link. Thanks!

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