
Sunday, January 04, 2009

U.S. Troops To Be Withdrawn From Iraq, Moved to Mexican Border

No, this isn't official policy yet. It's a prediction by someone calling himself the Grand Warlock.

Mexico's self-proclaimed "Grand Warlock" says the United States will pull troops out of Iraq in 2009 and send them to the border with Mexico in an attempt to expand its territory.

The prediction from Antonio Vazquez comes with a word of warning though: his record of projecting the future is spotty at best.

Vazquez has been making predictions since 1980 on events ranging from international events to the private lives of celebrities, based on his reading of tarot cards.

Vazquez erroneously predicted last year that oil prices would be stable and that Cuba's Fidel Castro and singer Britney Spears would die.
Yeah, I think a lot of people had both Castro and Britney in dead pools. Well, we're not really sure Castro is alive, but word is Britney has gotten her sloppy act together.

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