
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Flying Pig Alert: Democrat Says Gouging the Rich a Bad Idea

File this one and save for future reference. Democrat Governor of New York, David Paterson, has come to the realization that onerous taxation on the wealthy is bad for the economy. This make Paterson the first Democrat in recorded history to admit the obvious. This is the first step for taxaholics: Admitting you have a problem.

Now comes Step Two: Cutting their taxes.
Gov. Paterson yesterday warned that the politically popular plan to impose higher income taxes on the wealthy would cost New York jobs and drive people out of the state.

"What I'm saying is if you tax the rich right now, while the economy is disintegrating, you're going to lose jobs and you're also going to lose from the tax base as people leave the state," Paterson told reporters after addressing the Council on Foreign Relations.

"In my opinion, you're [compounding] the problem, not eradicating it. I don't think that taxing the rich is the best way to go right now."
Cut their taxes and watch the money flow in. Gouge them further and watch the wealth flee the state.

It's that simple.

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