Wow, this is really lame. You have to chuckle at the inanity of it all. After Obama went on his media blitz Tuesday to sell the crumbling porkulus spending orgy, he realized people weren't paying any attention since his cabinet of tax cheats was busy imploding.
So being technically savvy and cutting edge beyond anyone's wildest dreams (they're the smartest ever, they said so), what do the geniuses come up with? A repackaged montage of clips from his interviews to be viewed online.
This is being sold as Obama circumventing the media to reach the broader swath of the great unwashed.
Here it is: President Obama’s first major effort to use his massive campaign email list and communications apparatus to get around the filter of the big news orgs in order to personally sell his agenda directly to the American people.Now if one is trying to circumvent the media, why are they using the media's own clips?
As noted below, Obama gave five interviews to the major networks yesterday, and tried to use them to sell his stimulus package. But the withdrawal of Tom Dashle [sic] dominated the coverage and blotted out his economic message.
Obama’s solution: Later this morning, David Plouffe and Obama’s reconfigured campaign apparatus, Organizing for America, will blast out an email to his 13-million-strong list with a new video featuring selected footage from the five interviews in which he pushed for his stim package.
Why doesn't Obama simply record a direct message? What, is he too tired from two weeks on the job already to put together a coherent video presentation?
Or is it just easier (and more duplicitous) to splice together footage conveniently edited to make you look better?
Memo to Plouffe and the rest of the best and brightest: You're preaching to the choir with this. Those recipients of your blast email are already on board with this sham, or at least we think some of them are.
Don't you have the least bit of confidence that Obama could try and sell this bill with a direct appeal to the American public? Or have you lost confidence that your water carriers from the networks aren't cutting it any longer? Are the useful idiots no longer useful?
Oh, and it's pretty shameless to bypass the media by using their own material. Just saying.
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