
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Excellent News! All Porkulus Projects to Get the Obama Seal of Approval

Isn't this great? Now you'll have a permanent stamp of all the wasteful projects your money is being spent on. Even after Obama's term has long expired, his logos will live on, a friendly reminder of his hope, change and indoctrination.
President Obama announced today that his administration will begin stamping an emblem on projects funded by the economic stimulus package so that people can easily recognize the effects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

All projects will be stamped with the ARRA logo (short for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) and lists the website on the emblem.

In remarks at the Department of Transportation this morning, Mr. Obama referenced the new emblems.

“We’re also making it easier for Americans to see what projects are being funded with their money as part of our recovery. So in the weeks to come, the signs denoting these projects are going to bear the new emblem of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,” Obama said. “These emblems are symbols of our commitment to you, the American people -- a commitment to investing your tax dollars wisely, to put Americans to work doing the work that needs to be done. So when you see them on projects that your tax dollars made possible, let it be a reminder that our government -- your government -- is doing its part to put the economy back on the road of recovery.”
Call it the Obama Brand Hammer and Sickle if you will.

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