
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Obama: 'We Will Pass the Employee Free Choice Act'

Another dagger into the heart of American businesses.
President Barack Obama told AFL-CIO union leaders Tuesday in a videotaped address that the controversial Employee Free Choice Act will pass, signaling his full backing for legislation that makes union organizing easier.

"We will pass the Employee Free Choice Act," President Obama told more than 100 top labor officials in a closed-door meeting at the labor federation's winter gathering in Miami, according to people at the meeting.

The bill would make it easier for unions to recruit workers because it would let them join unions simply by signing cards rather than through secret-ballot elections in which companies can campaign against the union. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations have been campaigning against the legislation.
Business groups say they will intensify their lobbying against the bill as it is introduced. Randel Johnson, vice president of labor policy for the Chamber of Commerce, said the group will focus its heaviest lobbying efforts on senators in about seven states, and that an endorsement of the bill by a small number of companies "would not affect the political dynamic," because employer opposition to the bill is "overwhelming."
If anyone thinks this is good for business they have another thign coming. This is just another payoff to the union thugs supporting Obama.

The Obama economic destruction continues unabated.

Of course, Obama ignores the fact that three-quarters of union members oppose this legislation.
In polling conducted for CDW in January by McLaughlin & Associates, nearly three-quarters (74%) of union households were opposed to the card check provisions in the Employee Free Choice Act. An overwhelming 88% of union households believed that a worker's vote should be kept private during a union organizing election, and 85% of union households believed that a secret ballot election is the best way to protect the individual rights of workers when they are deciding whether to join a union.

"The American people, including rank and file union members, are strongly opposed to card check because it will strip away worker privacy and put our economy at greater risk," said Brian Worth, the chairman of the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace. "The Obama Administration would be wise to rethink its support of card check instead of blindly following the wishes of Big Labor."
Memo from Obama to workers: Fuck You!

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