Friday, April 03, 2009

Larry King: 'Somebody's Got to Think for the Masses'

Here on this panel you have Penn Jillette and someone named Stephanie Miller, who Larry King calls very popular, even though I've never heard of her. A really smug, arrogant bitch, to say the least. She's probably some Air America twit with zero ratings. Then you have James Carville. Coupled with King, that's a whole lot of ugly for one television screen.

Anyway, King makes the utterly absurd statement that "somebody's got to think for the masses," an incredibly insipid statement for someone living in America, where individual liberty is our most cherished freedom. Or at least it used to be.

Scroll to after the 5:00 mark for this astonishingly stupid statement.

Hey Larry, maybe someone's got to do the thinking for you, probably your wife telling you when to change your Depends.

But no, I don't need anybody to do my thinking for me, thank you very much.

Is it any wonder this addle-brained, fish-faced freak has no ratings?

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