Friday, April 10, 2009

Pamela Graf Update

For those who haven't been following this saga let me recap real quickly.
Back in January Pamela Graf reported a fire at her house along with some racist grafiti written on the fence. At the time arson was suspected and she claimed that it was because of her support of Barack Obama. Soon it was discovered that it was indeed arson and she and her boyfriend were arrested. While out on bail she had an ankle monitor. She was arrested for DUI and due to appear in court when she cut off the ankle monitor and went on the lam.
Well she has been found now.
A Forsyth County woman accused of setting her own house on fire was hospitalized Thursday for what authorities believe was a drug overdose.

Pamela Graf, 47, of Cumming had been the subject of a weeklong search after allegedly dismantling and discarding an electronic surveillance device on her ankle.

Feel free to make all the analogies to Obama's performance as president to her's. He goes Washington for inauguration, she burns down her house. He goes to Europe on an apology tour, she goes on the lam. He's back in DC, shes in the hospital victim of an overdose.
Sure are a lot of parallels.

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