
Monday, May 18, 2009

Father Calls 911 Because Son Won't Clean His Room

The father said he overreacted. And who can blame him when the son is 28 years old.

But that's not the best part. The son is also a school board member and a budding Democrat politician who lives in his parent's basement.
It's odd enough that a Bedford father would actually call police after arguing with his son about cleaning his room.

Stranger still, the sloppy son is 28 years old and serves on the Bedford School Board.

"I know this looks bad," said School Board member Andrew Mizsak, who lives with his parents and also works as an independent political consultant. His mother, Paula, is a Bedford councilwoman.

Mizsak's dad, also Andrew, called 9-1-1 on Thursday after his son threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and balled his fist up at his dad when told to clean his room.

The senior Mizsak, 63, wouldn't press charges and told police, "I don't want to ruin his political career." According to the report, he said: "Andrew is 270 pounds and he can't fight him, that they do everything for Andrew and he doesn't even pay rent."

The elder Mizsak said Saturday, "I overreacted. No big deal."

According the report, "Andrew was sent to his room to clean it. He was crying uncontrollably and stated he would comply."

Um, yeah, well I think it's already ruined, Dad.

Needless to say, this loser is a Democrat, despite the article calling him an independent consultant.
Democratic City Leader/Director of Political Operations
Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party(Political Organization industry)

May 2002 — Present (7 years 1 month)

Chair of the Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party (Assistant Democratic City Leader and Vice Chair from May 2002 - July, 2008), and the number one position in the leadership structure of the Local Party Organization, I have served as the Chairman of the Democratic Coordinated Campaign for the four communities of the Bedford City School District since 2002. I also preside over meetings, coordinate the Central and Executive Committees, and am responsible for all campaign and grassroots outreach efforts over an area of 13 square miles, serving 17,000 residents - of whom, 70 - 75% of the registered voters are Democrats. I am also the Chief Fundraiser for the Local Party Organization.
Update: His Facebook page notes he's a fan of Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy. There's a stunner.

Also note the "products" he enjoys.

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