
Monday, May 04, 2009

Stunner: Just 18% Think Obama's Union Thug Motor Company Will Do A Good Job

I'll assume this 18% accounts for the union goon vote, assuming their membership is even that high. If it's less than 18%, we can probably factor in the braindead liberal vote.
Just 18% of Americans think the United Auto Workers union and the federal government will do a good job running Chrysler and General Motors, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Forty-seven percent (47%) believe the union and the government will do a bad job, while 35% are not sure.
35% aren't sure? Geez, nothing like having an informed public willing to answer a simple question.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of Americans oppose the auto bailouts.
Seventy percent (70%) continue to oppose any additional bailout funding for GM and Chrysler, while 13% think it’s a good idea. Just two weeks ago, 60% said the bailout loans already given to the auto companies were a bad idea, although the Political Class disagreed.

Through stock ownership, the UAW and the government are expected to have a majority say in management decisions of both companies as the result of deals worked out by President Obama’s auto task force to ensure more federal money to keep them in business. Chrysler is now going through a structured bankruptcy to keep going, and GM is expected to report back with its reorganization plan by the end of this month.
It's a virtual no-brainer that Chrysler will turn out junk autos nobody will buy, and who knows, it'll probably be mandated before long that we have to buy one just to prop them up.

Here's an idea: Let them put their money where their mouth is. Make the government and government employees but these vehicles. How much you want to bet these limousine liberals would balk at that?

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