
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Global Warming Now Blamed For Low Winds

For the love of Pete, can we just stop all of the frickin global warming is to blame for everything nonsense. Now there is an article out saying that winds are decreasing in velocity and global warming is to blame. I. Kid. You. Not.
The wind, a favorite power source of the green energy movement, seems to be dying down across the United States. And the cause, ironically, may be global warming — the very problem wind power seeks to address.

The idea that winds may be slowing is still a speculative one, and scientists disagree whether that is happening. But a first-of-its-kind study suggests that average and peak wind speeds have been noticeably slowing since 1973, especially in the Midwest and the East.

Now there is no scientific proof to back this up, just like most everything else related to the global warming/climate change mass hysteria that has sweep the liberal dream world.

Of course this is not going to stop the enviro Nazis from continuing their plans to build wind farms everywhere but where it might spoil the view of the Kennedys. Reliance on undependable energy sources doesn't matter, as long as they get rid of oil, nuclear, and coal power. You know sources whose quantity can be measured and is reliable.

Hey wind power is great as something to augment existing proven energy sources, but they want to make it a primary source. For some reason these people have slipped off the 'smart grid'.

The study is going to be released and parts like these will of course be ignored by those wanting to push their agenda.
The ambiguity of the results is due to changes in wind-measuring instruments over the years, according to Pryor. And while actual measurements found diminished winds, some climate computer models — which are not direct observations — did not, she said.
One of the problems Pryor acknowledges with her study is that over many years, changing conditions near wind-measuring devices can skew data. If trees grow or buildings are erected near wind gauges, that could reduce speed measurements.
Kind of like the same problem they have with all of their temperature gauges they rely on that have been found to sitting in parking lots, next to exhaust shafts, and various other places which render the readings worthless.

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