
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

'It's Despicable What Happened Here Today'

That's the reaction of the hapless accidental governor of New York and after two rogue Democrats switched allegiances and joining with the GOP voting bloc Monday. I must admit, it is rather distasteful.
An unprecedented revolt sparked by two renegade Democrats yesterday ousted Majority Leader Malcolm Smith and returned Republicans to power in the state Senate, rocking the Capitol and dealing a severe blow to Gov. Paterson.

Thirty Senate Republicans were joined by scandal-scarred Democrats Pedro Espada Jr. of The Bronx and Hiram Monserrate of Queens to form a majority in the 62-member chamber.

The action came on an unexpected motion by Republican Sen. Thomas Libous of Binghamton.

Libous stunned the Senate chamber when he rose and announced a resolution naming Espada the new Senate president.

The motion also restored Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos (R-LI) to the post of majority leader.

The historic maneuver left Senate Democrats, who in January took the majority for the first time since 1965, slack-jawed and powerless.

And it stunned Paterson.

"It's despicable what happened here today," said the governor last night, bristling and occasionally slamming his open palm on a lectern as he appeared briefly before reporters.

"When do we get around to governing?"
Well, Dave, you did have the past 15 months and didn't quite accomplish much. Although as noted yesterday, the fact the GOP has to bring on two very shady Democrats in order to gain a majority reeks of desperation.

How sleazy are these two? Behold:
Meet the two Democratic turncoats who handed control of the state Senate back to the Republicans: One's been charged with slashing his girlfriend, while the other is being probed in a funding scam.

Pedro Espada Jr., who represents The Bronx but actually lives in tony Mamaroneck -- is a serial party-switcher who's implicated in state-funding shenanigans involving his nonprofit health-care company.

Hiram Monserrate of Queens was indicted for allegedly slashing his girlfriend in the face with a broken glass.

Espada has a long history of being a renegade and displaying party disloyalty. Three workers at a firm he runs, the Soundview Health Care Network, pleaded guilty in 2005 to diverting $30,000 from programs for family care and AIDS treatment to his political campaign. He was not charged.

Earlier, Espada was caught red-handed attempting to steer $745,000 in grants to his outfit.

In 1998, Espada was accused of attempting to direct $260,000 in Medicaid funds from his firm to his political campaign. He was acquitted of the charges.

Monserrate, a former city councilman and ex-cop who had a stormy relationship with the NYPD, was charged with six counts of assaulting his girlfriend, Karla Giraldo. She needed 20 stitches over her left eye.

Security cameras in his apartment complex show Monserrate dragging her out of the building on Dec. 19. The same cameras show her desperately banging on a neighbor's door seeking help during the incident, just a month after his election to the Senate.
Does the NY GOP have any standard of decency?

If you want to consider anyone a winner in this fiasco, feel free. They're all a bunch of pathetic losers who deserve each other in the entirely dysfunctional state.

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