
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Formula One Honcho: Hitler Was Able to 'Get Things Done'

Expect a clarification of this stupidity pretty quickly. Or this idiot's dismissal from his position.
FORMULA One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has described Adolf Hitler as a leader able to "get things done" in a discussion about dictators during an interview with The Times newspaper published today.

Asked to comment on accusations that world motorsport chief Max Mosley behaved like a dictator, Mr Ecclestone went on to speak about Hitler, former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein - whom he said should have stayed in power - and the Taliban.

"In a lot of ways, terrible to say this I suppose, but apart from the fact that Hitler got taken away and persuaded to do things that I have no idea whether he wanted to do or not, he ... could command a lot of people, able to get things done,'' Mr Ecclestone told The Times.

"In the end he got lost, so he wasn't a very good dictator.''
Yup, he got a little lost. Let's overlook the systematic extermination of millions.

Hey, he got things done!
Mr Ecclestone added: "We did a terrible thing when we supported the idea of getting rid of Saddam Hussein. He was the only one who could control'' Iraq.

"It was the same (with the Taliban in Afghanistan). We move into countries and we have no idea of the culture. The Americans probably thought Bosnia was a town in Miami. There are people starving in Africa and we sit back and do nothing but we get involved in things we should leave alone.''
A town in Miami?

What an idiot.

So let's recount: Hitler was peachy, Saddam Hussein could control his people and hey, those Taliban aren't so bad.

But Americans? Why, they're a bunch of geographically-challenged rubes.

Good luck selling Formula One racing over here, pal.

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