
Sunday, July 05, 2009

WaPo Publisher: Hey, Sorry About Our Political Prostitution

What does a newspaper do after being caught in bed with Democrats? Why, pretend it was all a misunderstanding and beg your dwindling readership to not abandon you because of your integrity.

You can't make this stuff up.
Dear Reader:

I want to apologize for a planned new venture that went off track and for any cause we may have given you to doubt our independence and integrity. A flier distributed last week suggested that we were selling access to power brokers in Washington through dinners that were to take place at my home. The flier was not approved by me or newsroom editors, and it did not accurately reflect what we had in mind. But let me be clear: The flier was not the only problem. Our mistake was to suggest that we would hold and participate in an off-the-record dinner with journalists and power brokers paid for by a sponsor. We will not organize such events. As publisher it is my job to ensure that we adhere to standards that are consistent with our integrity as a news organization. Last week, I let you, and the organization, down. The Washington Post remains committed, now and always, to the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Nothing is more important to us than that, and nothing will shake that commitment.
Just pathetic. I guess this dunce figures if you repeatedly infer some long-ago abandoned integrity we're to believe you're little money-making scheme didn't leave a massive black eye.

Read the rest of this letter if you need a good laugh, but we'll leave you with this parting gift.
We remain committed to you, our readers. We remain committed to the highest standards of integrity. And while we will continue to pursue new lines of business, we will never allow those new avenues to compromise our integrity.

In the meantime, I hope that we can continue to count you as a reader while we promise to continue to bring you the news as it develops, unbiased and with the best reporting and editing we can offer.

Heh. What a cut-up.

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