
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Desperate Dingy Harry: GOP 'run by a talk show host'

The unraveling continues. Dingy Harry Reid, the Dim Bulb from Searchlight, has never gotten over Rush Limbaugh handing him his lunch back in 2007 and today sinks into the gutter of sewage enveloping the Democrats as they watch all their grandiose plans evaporate before their eyes. When all else is failing, play the Limbaugh card.

Weak. Very weak.

Get of load of his latest shtick.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid launched his harshest attack on the Republican Party in months, claiming the GOP is "being run by a talk show host."

Reid, armed with a patch of Astroturf, slammed Republicans for sponsoring town hall attacks on Democrats and accused the party of waging a barricade on Democratic efforts to pass health care reform legislation.

"I just want to show you what Astroturf really is," Reid said to laughter. "They're taking their cues from talk show hosts, internet rumor mongers, and insurance rackets."

"I just think, as I've said before, it's not often that you try to blow yourself up, but that's obviously what they're trying to do with all this vexatious stuff they're doing with these meetings, the birthers. It's a party being run by a talk show host," Reid said.

"These guys don't care about you," Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said of the town hall protesters. "They care about YouTube."

"We can spot a winger," Durbin said.
We can also spots frauds, Dick. Funny, the guy who compared our soldiers to Nazis and Pol Pot saying Republicans don't care about people.

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