
Friday, August 14, 2009

Furloughs For Everyone But Foreign Workers

What a country!

Georgia, like so many other states, is struggling to make ends meet budget wise and earlier this year the governor mandated that all state workers take six days of unpaid vacation, a furlough, to help the state meet it's budget. Well now we find out that applies to everybody but a select group of people, those in the country on the H-1B visas, not to be confused with the H1N1 flu.
The [university]system would have to spend about $320 on each application for each affected employee to seek the waiver for six furlough days, Millsaps said. The system didn’t know how long it would take to get a response or if each request would be granted, he said.
The same folks who want to take over healthcare run this program with such efficiency that the university system in Georgia doesn't want to go through the expense of applying for waivers that may or may not be granted. I wonder how long it would take your doctor to get a response back?
According to U.S. Department of Labor rules, an employee with the visa who is furloughed still must be paid by the employer, who can seek a waiver.
Somebody tell me again what the advantages are to being a citizen?

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