
Friday, August 07, 2009

Shocker! Oversight for Stimulus Cash Proves Flimsy

The folks at CBS News better look out or someone is going to snitch on them.

How dare they expose the hypocrisy of our Dear Leader!
From airport improvements to highway construction, some of the federal programs getting the most stimulus money also represent the greatest possibility of waste and fraud.

In touting its stimulus package earlier this year, the Obama administration promised to watch spending like a hawk.

"If a federal agency proposes a project that will waste that money, I will put a stop to it," President Obama pledged back in February.

But in reality, federal agencies are largely left to monitor their own spending. And new findings show there's good reason to question how hard they're really trying to expose waste and abuse in their own agencies.

It started when the U.S. inspector general began digging to see how well the Department of Transportation was watching over four programs identified as its most likely trouble spots - the Federal-Aid Highway Program, Federal Transit Administration Formula Grants Program, FTA Capital Investment Grants Program, and the FAA Airport Improvement Program.

Together, those programs are receiving $37 billion dollars in stimulus fund.

But the inspector general found something shocking and issued an urgent advisory saying basically that the Transportation Department's effort to quantify improper payments was basically worthless.

The inspector general said when the department's contractor checked invoices for discrepancies, it chose sample sizes that were too small and not random, meaning the results were "not credible," "misleading" and "do not … represent the seriousness and extent of the problem."
But who are we to questions our moral superiors? No, we just have to get out of the way and shut up.

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