
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Smart Power! Bumbling Hillary Whines About 2000 Election, Compares Us With Nigeria

I'm starting to believe maybe she wanted the Vice President's slot, considering how many gaffes she's making on her Africa trip. Or perhaps she's looking for a quick way out of the disastrous Obama administration.

Whatever the case, she sounds like a bitter crank, whining over the 2000 recount in Florida. It's time to move on already.
Hillary Clinton's trip across Africa just got more controversial.

Clinton caused another firestorm during her trouble-plagued Africa tour last night by drawing comparisons between political corruption in Nigeria and President Bush's contested election win nine years ago in Florida.

The Secretary of State made the bizarre comparison during a speech to a group of political activists in the Nigerian capitol of Abuja, another stop on her 11-day, seven-country tour of the continent.

She singled out former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush -- the former president's brother -- with helping the GOP grab the White House from Democrat Al Gore.

"Our democracy is still evolving. You know we had some problems in some of our presidential elections," she said. "As you may remember, in 2000 our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of one of the men running for president was governor of the state. So we have our problems too."

The gaffe came just two days after Clinton rebuked a student's question during a forum in the Democratic Republic of Congo for asking what her husband, former president Bill Clinton, thought of the issue of Chinese trade in Africa.
Are there any Democrats out there who have anything nice to say about this country? Her boss treks around the globe apologizing for all our perceived ills and now this dunce is comparing us to Nigeria.

Why do they hate America so much?

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