Now the joke known as Arlen Specter piles on, declaring those who dare question him as not necessarily representative of America.
Let's hope next year the folks in the Keystone state make Specter not representative of Pennsylvania.
Sen. Arlen Specter said Wednesday he thinks people who have been angrily disrupting town hall meetings on overhauling the health care system are "not necessarily representative of America," but should be heard.Of course Obama was treated more respectfully. It was an audience full of plants.
"It's more than health care," said Specter, 79, who earlier this year left the Republican Party and became a Democrat. "I think there is a mood in America of anger with so many people unemployed, with so much bickering in Washington ... with the fear of losing their health care. It all boils over."
Specter and Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, appeared on a nationally broadcast news show Wednesday, a day after town hall meetings they hosted erupted in the same kind of catcalls, jeers and shouting that has characterized many such forums in recent weeks. "There were a couple of tough moments," McCaskill said of her experience, "but it lasted two hours and there were thousands of people there."
Jeers and taunts drowned out both Specter and McCaskill on occasion Tuesday. President Barack Obama was treated more respectfully at his town hall meeting in New Hampshire.
If Specter is so concerned about people losing jobs, maybe he ought to ask why over 2,000,000 have become unemployed since the "stimulus" plan he voted for became law.
The bitter sessions underscored the challenge for the administration as it tries to win over an increasingly skeptical public on the costly and far-reaching task of revamping the nation's health care system. Desperate to stop a hardening opposition, the White House created a Web site to dispel what it says are smears and House Democrats set up a health care "war room" out of Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's office to help lawmakers handle questions.Wow, people actually coming prepared by reading the bill, something Specter still admits he hasn't done.
Specter, who had another such forum scheduled Wedneday [sic] at State College, Pa., said he had been "impressed with the fact that people have been very well prepared." He said many have come to meetings with copies of the legislation and have cited specific provisions in their arguments.
Seems these people are more representative of America than the disgraceful Specter is.
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