
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Another Lefty Finds Religion

Usually whenever a conservative even mentions the G-word in public, the left goes nuts, the ACLU files suit and the media goes bonkers over the vaunted separation of church and state.

But since liberalism is essentially a religion, they can inject Jesus into any discussion that suits them.

Here we have far-left kook Ed Schultz, a favorite at the White House, declaring that Jesus would be down with socialized medicine.

It doesn't get much more banal than this.

It's a moral issue, of course.
Schultz said the people were the government, so the obligation of the government was inclusive, according to Perkins' standard. However, Perkins pointed out for the MSNBC host that the politically left-of-center seem to be willing cite scripture when expedient, but tend to get worked up when those on the right do the same thing, which he referred to as a double standard and even questioned if those on the left understood what they were citing.

"There's this double standard," Perkins said. "When the conservative uses scripture, the media goes into convulsions saying they're trying to create a theocracy. When the liberals use scripture, they just report it I guess because they know they don't mean it."
I guess on the upside people really won't get worked up over this considering Schultz is seen by such a microscopic audience.

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