Remember this video.
Don't Vote!
Well apparently they think that format is a winner because now they have a new video that they are going to be showing to your kids while they are locked away in their government education centers, i.,e public school, whose theme is "I Pledge".
Yup more celebrities telling you how they pledge to save the unicorns, stopped climate change, and magically make everybody millionaires overnight, if you will just pledge to volunteer. Of course in the Obama economy that is about the only job you can get.
This is all part of the concerted effort to push volunteerism onto the youth of America and to blur what Sept 11 is really all about.
For those that haven't heard Barry O is declaring Sept 11 as a National Day of Service. So instead of remembering the horrible events that occurred that day in 2001 he wants you to go paint an old folks home or pick up litter along a highway. The video also pushes the USA Service dot org. For those not fluent in the nuances of the web it is a safe bet that any web site that ends in org is a liberal venue, like MoveOn dot org, etc. With the track record this administration has in gathering personal information why would anybody visit one of their web sites and sign up. Unless you want to be on the next mailing from David Axelrod I wouldn't advise it.
Well anyway here is your I Pledge video which will be shown to your kids soon.
UPDATE: Some folks in the comments are wondering where I got the idea that this video was being shown in the schools. I got it from here, where it has already been shown.
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