
Monday, September 07, 2009

Craven Media Whore Puts Best Spin on Van Jones Resignation

Leave it to this dunce to try and put a good spin on Communist Truther Van Jones' exit from the White House.
Thank you, Glenn Beck. By helping force the resignation of Van Jones, you have done a great service to your country. But in the exact opposite way than what you intended.

Your vile and vicious smear campaign has helped reverse one of the worst examples of miscasting since John Wayne took on the role of Genghis Khan in The Conqueror.

Don't get me wrong: Van Jones was the best person for the job he just gave up. But the job was not the best use of Van Jones.

Contrary to the media caricature, the real Van Jones is a thoughtful leader who knows how to use words to move people to action. To stick him behind a desk, working out the details of tax credits for green jobs -- incredibly important though the job is -- was never the best use of his unique and abundant skills.

This is not an attempt to put a positive spin on an ugly episode. I've actually been feeling this way ever since Van told me he was taking this job.
Of course she provides no evidence she really thought this way, but hey, the left never had any shame in making things up as they go along to fit their needs.

Read the rest of the drivel if you can stomach it. The way he's painted, it's a wonder this thug Jones isn't already on Mount Rushmore.

One other thing: She claims there is a media caricature of Jones. Yet until he resigned there was virtually no media reporting on Jones, so how exactly was this caricature created?

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