
Monday, October 05, 2009

HuffPost Fantasy-land: Murdoch Will Fire Glenn Beck

Despite some lame boycott organized by pals of Communist Truther Van Jones, Glenn Beck's ratings continue to soar, even in the typically dead 5 pm hour. But leave it to some delusional Huffington Post hater to live in an alternate universe and claim Rupert Murdoch will soon fire Beck. Sure, and the New York Mets are a lock to get to the World Series.

What planet are these people living on?
While Glenn Beck is not the lone voice of dissent within Fox News (O'Reilly, Hannity and Malkin are similarly offensive), he does epitomize what is wrong with the network, and just how out of sync it is with the mainstream. His continued assault on the President which consists of a remarkable slew of accusations and innuendo (Obama is a socialist/communist/Nazi/racist), does not reflect well on the network, regardless of how right wing it is.
Seems to me the rest of the low-rated cable networks are the ones out of the mainstream. After all, Beck crushes them all combined during his timeslot. But hey, why deal with facts
Glenn Beck is unlikely to moderate his position unless his corporate paymasters instruct him to do so. And if they do, he'll lose the base of fringe Right idiots who tune into his show on a nightly basis. Murdoch most likely understands this, and is probably crunching numbers to see how viable Beck is to Fox News in the long run.
The author makes some weak claim Beck will hurt Murdoch financially. In fact, dismissing Beck would hurt even more. I doubt a savvy businessman like Murdoch, who's been criticized for decades, would be dumb enough to jettison a cash cow in favor of someone else sure to draw far less ratings. It just makes no sense.

Then again, we are dealing with someone writing for a far out of the mainstream website.

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