
Thursday, October 08, 2009

Media Bias? What Media Bias? AP Laughably Claims Obama Has 'Silent Majority' on Health Care

An absolutely disgusting piece of propaganda disguised as news from Obama's stenographers at the Associated Press. When I opened up Yahoo this morning, I was greeted by this absurd story.
Fired up? Ready to go? You might not know it from the way President Barack Obama's grass-roots supporters have been largely drowned out in the raucous debate over his health care plan.
As we asked yesterday, is it mandatory for these liberal media morons to use raucous in every story? Was it raucous every time Code Pink or some arm of the Democratic Party interrupted hearings on Capitol Hill during the Bush administration?

Anyway, back to this drivel.
Yes, they're behind him, officials say — volunteering in their communities and contacting lawmakers in Congress. But some Obama organizers are calling their forces a "silent majority," embracing Republican terminology of long ago. And if the final legislation doesn't include a government run plan to compete with private insurers, they may be invisible, too.

While opponents of the health care revamp have largely controlled the image war with rowdy town halls and a huge march on Washington last month, Obama supporters have been mobilizing across the country as well, tapping into the unprecedented network his presidential campaign built last year.
Wait a minute. A huge march on Washington? Why was it every media outlet did their best to downplay that huge march?
"We're building a long-term organization with leaders in the community who are trained. It was successful in the election and it will be successful again," says Jeremy Bird, deputy director of Organizing for America.
Want to see what Organizing for America is all about? Behold:

The Associated Press, of course, finds nothing wrong with this disgusting propaganda.
OFA, the pro-Obama effort annexed to the Democratic National Committee, says it has enlisted more than 2 million people in active support of the plan since the beginning of the summer. It recently completed a 19-stop cross country bus tour, and leaders say they have held over 18,000 health care events in all 50 states and 435 congressional districts.

The intensity of such efforts is difficult to gauge, particularly when compared to the angry town hall meetings across the country over the summer and the "tea party" march that drew tens of thousands to Washington. A flood of questions at one recent OFA meeting in New York suggested it's far easier to ramp up the campaign to defeat the plan, even if proponents are turning out in the large numbers OFA claims.
Let's face it. Obama and the Democrats have been unable to sell their radical plan to annex 1/6th of the American economy and their only recourse is to shove it down our throats. To see a supposedly unbiased "news" organization prostitute itself to promote this is just shameful.

Almost as bad as a "news" network having kids dance to Obama's tune.

Even some kids can see this.

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