
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Most Dangerous Place in America? A Joe Biden Motorcade, Apparently

While his boss is over is Asia bowing at everyone who walks by, the simpleton Vice President is tending to important business, like tying up Manhattan rush hour traffic so he can visit White House press attache Jon Stewart. Seems everywhere Greasy Joe goes trouble follows.
A police car working ahead of Vice President Joe Biden's motorcade was involved in a minor traffic accident Tuesday evening, but it wasn't part of the procession and the vice president was unhurt.

Three unmarked police vehicles, with their lights and sirens on, were traveling 5 to 10 minutes ahead of the motorcade on Manhattan's West Side and were checking traffic before Biden passed en route to an appearance on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," chief police spokesman Paul Browne said.

The cars were going through an intersection when the second one collided with a livery cab around 5:40 p.m. Traffic had stopped for the police, but the livery cab driver pulled out around the line of vehicles and was trying to go through the intersection, police said.
Just imagine the howls if Dick Cheney was traipsing through Manhattan at rush hour. We'd never hear the end of it.

This isn't the only accident involving Biden escorts this week.
Vehicles linked to Biden have already been involved in two accidents in a week. Last Thursday, two armored Secret Service vehicles struck and killed a man as he was crossing a parkway in Maryland. Biden was in neither vehicle at the time.

In another accident, a sheriff's deputy was injured Monday in Albuquerque, N.M., when a woman drove around police vehicles blocking an intersection and collided with the deputy's car.

Biden had been in Albuquerque to speak at a campaign fundraiser for two New Mexico Democrats.
I guess Biden has no other business to tend to, like getting his vaunted website working properly.

Instapundit links. Thanks!

Update: Apparently Biden thinks Obama's bowing is some kind of joke. What a cut-up. Via Rizzuto.

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