
Saturday, November 14, 2009

William 'Cold Hard Cash' Jefferson Gets 13 Years

Well, Friday the 13th wasn't so lucky for one former congressman. William Jefferson finally had justice served by receiving a 13-year jail sentence for his conviction of corruption going back several years. This has dragged on for so long that apparently those layers and layers of fact checkers at the dinosaur media can't even decide what age he is.

In 2007, when he was originally indicted CBS said he was 63 years old.
The 63-year-old Jefferson, whose Louisiana district includes New Orleans, has said little about the case publicly but has maintained his innocence. He was re-elected last year despite the investigation.
However, today the WSJ informs us that he has managed to perform some sort of miracle, by reversing the aging process.
Jefferson, 62, was convicted in August on bribery, money laundering and racketeering charges. Prosecutors said he took in $478,000 in bribes and sought millions more.
Regardless, there is no mention if he will lose his Congressional retirement pay, which we would assume would be the case, but nowadays nothing is certain. It was Congress critters of both political parties who objected to the FBI raid on his office in which the $90,000 in cash was discovered in his refrigerator in his office.
The Saturday night search of Jefferson's office on Capitol Hill brought Democrats and Republicans together in rare election-year accord, with both parties protesting agency conduct they said violated the Constitution's separation of powers doctrine.
At the time of the raid Jefferson sat on the House Ways and Means Committee, the same agency now headed by Charlie Rangel. Pelosi did ask him to resign from the committee, which he refused.

The most amazing part of the whole story is that even while under investigation and indictment he managed to win re-election. He was beaten in the most recent election by Joseph Cao. Yes, that Joseph Cao, the lone Republican who voted in favor of the PelosiCare government takeover of the health industry.

So anyway, Mr. Jefferson, enjoy your time in prison even if you're eligibility for Social Security benefits seems now to be in doubt.

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