Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Come to This: Climate Kook Wants to Limit Births

Hey, China's doing such a great job forcing people to have only one child, so let's all get in on it!
The "inconvenient truth" overhanging the UN's Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world.

A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days.

The world's other species, vegetation, resources, oceans, arable land, water supplies and atmosphere are being destroyed and pushed out of existence as a result of humanity's soaring reproduction rate.

Ironically, China, despite its dirty coal plants, is the world's leader in terms of fashioning policy to combat environmental degradation, thanks to its one-child-only edict.

The intelligence behind this is the following:

-If only one child per female was born as of now, the world's population would drop from its current 6.5 billion to 5.5 billion by 2050, according to a study done for scientific academy Vienna Institute of Demography.

-By 2075, there would be 3.43 billion humans on the planet. This would have immediate positive effects on the world's forests, other species, the oceans, atmospheric quality and living standards.
Immediate positive effects 66 years from now. Good grief.

On the upside, this moron won't be around in 2075, so that will save plenty of brain cells.

To no surprise, this genius is a HuffPoster. Here she waxes eloquent on that most evil of all creatures, Sarah Palin, who probably deserves to be executed in her mind for bringing five children into the world.
Yes, I love Sarah Palin because she will divide the Republican Party and marginalize it for a few elections unless the GOP gets its act together. She already demonstrated that she, with God and Todd on Her side, will vanquish those who trespass against those time-honored, minority views concerning abortion or universal health care.

For instance, she attacked a fellow Republican "progressive" in New York, who was pro-Choice, so effectively that she and like-minded religious fanatics cost the party the election. They ignored the Party's nominee, backed an independent and the Democrat came up the middle. She popularized the "death panels" mythology which concocted that civil servants will sentence old sick people to die ... as if U.S. insurance companies don't do that now by denying coverage or as if Congress doesn't do the same thing by failing to impose universal health care.

For these and other reasons, any right-thinking American has to love this woman. She will lead the fanatical lemmings over the cliff so that the United States can avoid being governed by people who are superstitious, ignorant and intolerant.

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