Monday, December 14, 2009

Shitstorm Erupts In Koslamistan

Things just ain't working out for the reality-based community and the Kossies are mad. Harriet Reid's a sellout and they're pissed at Obama. They've been used, tricked, lied to, blah, blah, blah.

Yep, reality is such a bitch.

Reid Caves: Medicare Buy-in, Public Option Pulled from Senate Bill

With Tom Harkin pre-capitulating, telling TMPDC that "There's enough good in this bill that even without those two, we gotta move," even before the Dem caucus met to decide the way forward, the writing was on the wall. Add Rockefeller, who says he'll vote for the bill even without Medicare buy-in, and it's gone.

A number of sources are reporting that the majority capitulated to Lieberman, who was in attendance in the meeting, cuz, you know, he's with us on everything but the war.
Heh. Next thing ya know, the Kooky Kult Kiddyz will figure out that al-Gore's done quite well at lining his pockets from the 'global warming' hoax they've supported so ardently.

Read the rest at The Kooky Kult of Koslam

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