Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pure Awesomeness!

I have a very soft spot for border collies. I had one once that was, as the folks on the Animal Planet put it, the Einstein of the canine world. They are incredibly smart, and hard working. A few years ago, age finally got the better of her and I had her put to sleep. It was one of the worst days of my life. My wife went to the local animal shelter and got me what she thought was a replacement, but to our chagrin, the dog turned out not to be a border collie. While she looks like a border collie, she apparently has a healthy dose of chow in her, and while she makes a great guard dog, who once she goes into attack mode has no off switch, she in no way can compare.

Anyway here is a video showing some border collies at work, creating some incredible feats with sheep who have had LED lights placed on them. None of the video has been "enhanced" in any way and all of the effects were created simply by the dogs herding the sheep in the manner they were directed to by their handlers.

So enjoy PONG as you have seen it before, the fireworks, and the composite of the Mona Lisa.

Hey if nothing else, on this site you never know what to expect.

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