
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Shocker! Marxists Team Up With Al Qaeda

This ought to really give pause to Obama considering his administration is top heavy with Marxists. Gee, it might even give pause to some of the leftwingers in this country who seem to admire Marxists so much.

Al Qaeda thugs and drug-dealing Colombian guerillas have formed “an unholy alliance” to traffic cocaine through Africa into Europe, a Drug Enforcement Administration official said.

In an alarming move, the Revolutionary Armed forces of Colombia, or FARC, have enlisted the aid of Muslim terrorists - including Al Qaeda – to smuggle cocaine through increasingly unstable West Africa, as European countries have become more adept at intercepting and disrupting smuggling operations through their ports.

"In the mid- to late-1990s when the Europeans became better at maritime interdiction, off the coasts of Portugal and Spain for example, traffickers started moving their routes southward. So the next progression was to Western Africa," Jay Bergman, the DEA director for the Andean region of South America, told Reuters.

"As suggested by the recent arrest of three alleged Al Qaeda operatives, the expansion of cocaine trafficking through West Africa has provided the venue for an unholy alliance between South American narco-terrorists and Islamic extremists," he said.

The three alleged Qaeda henchmen were arrested in December after plotting to smuggle drugs to raise money for jihad.

One of the suspects was caught bragging on tape that "without him, [Al Qaeda] could not eat."

The three were brought from Africa to New York where they were charged with terrorism-related offenses.

In addition to the Colombian cartels using Africa to reach Europe, Mexican drug gangs are using the same routes to ship raw ingredients for producing methamphetamine.

Airplanes have become the preferred means of trans-continental drug-schlepping, Bergman told Reuters -- with Venezuela emerging as the preferred springboard for these 21st century cocaine cowboys.
There are still many in this country who look upon narco-thug Hugo Chavez fondly (I'm looking at you, Joe Kennedy). But they'd get in bed with Marxists and terror thugs long before they'd begrudginggly thank a conservative (see Cheney, Dick) for keeping us safe.

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