
Monday, January 25, 2010

Surprise! More Pro-Obama Spam Showing Up in Newspapers

The Cleveland Plain-Dealer got this ball rolling the other day and over the weekend Patterico exposed countless instances of one "Ellie Light" and others whose letters to the editor have been showing up online across the nation. As a commenter at Hot Air notes, Barack Obama's own website encourages this behavior. This isn't exactly new with politicians, but it's interesting to now see some of Obama's own talking points showing up online.

From the Obama site link we have these talking points:
After nearly a century of false starts, this is the farthest we’ve ever come to enacting real health insurance reform. These are historic accomplishments.

Representatives who are working hard to pass reform deserve thanks for resisting tremendous pressure from the insurance industry lobbyists and standing up for their constituents.
And voila, what do you know, it shows up here.
Recently, a bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives made history by passing strong health reform legislation – and on November 21st, the Senate continued that progress by voting to begin debate on its version of the bill.

After nearly a century of false starts, this is the farthest we've ever come to enacting real health insurance reform. These are historic accomplishments. Representatives who are working hard to pass reform deserve thanks for resisting tremendous pressure from the insurance industry lobbyists and standing up for their constituents.

William Digiglio

68 W. Catawissa St.

Identical wording. How ironic.

Here's another talking point from the Obama website:
Both bills provide secure and stable coverage for Americans with insurance, expand coverage for those who do not have insurance, lower costs for families and businesses, and begin to reduce the deficit.
And surprise, it shows up here in near identical form. In fact, nearly all the talking points from Obama's website show up in this one.
On Nov. 7, a bipartisan majority of the House made history by passing a health bill.

After nearly a century of false starts, this was the first time a chamber of Congress has ever passed comprehensive health insurance reform.

Representatives who voted for this bill deserve thanks for resisting tremendous pressure from the insurance industry lobbyists and standing up for their constituents.

Those who did not vote for the bill have one last opportunity to reconsider and support reform in the upcoming final House vote — and they should do so.

A vote for this bill was a vote to provide secure and stable coverage for Americans with insurance, expand coverage for those who do not have insurance, lower costs for families and businesses, and begin to reduce the deficit.

Robert Stephenson

It's pretty clear from the evidence unearthed by Patterico that "Ellie Light" and these other Obamatons are using the Obama website to generate their spam emails to newspapers around the country. It's a shame those who print the letters aren't more stringent in screening them. Maybe now is the time for them to upgrade their standards a bit and start using search engines to catch the Obama talking points.

It's funny how the left always likes to say Rush Limbaugh listeners are "mind-numbed robots" taking their marching orders. Well, it sure looks like we have an army of Obamatons regurgitating his talking points and an army of newspaper editors all too happy to accommodate them.

Update: Patterico (of course) has a nice visual breakdown of this astroturfing.

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