
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Barry "Nostradamus" Obama Promises 95K Jobs a Month

Well not "The One" himself but his Council of Economic Advisers.
The United States is likely to average 95,000 more jobs each month this year, while personal savings will remain high as credit remains tight, according to a White House report released Thursday.

The Council of Economic Advisers also trumpeted the $787 billion economic stimulus package, which it said has saved or created about 2 million jobs.

Man that is a lot of new federal employees because I don't see jobs getting added anywhere else. Maybe they will all go to work removing the snow from D.C, and lord knows they have been doing one hell of a snow job on this country.

Of course he also took time to remind congress that he inherited his problems.
In a message to Congress, President Barack Obama pointed out that the economy he inherited was losing 700,000 jobs each month.

Seems that in the land of denial that Obama lives in he never creates or saves problems, he just inherits them. I would hope by this time he would realize that this shtick is getting a little old and tiresome.

The report is full of unicorns and fluffy bunnies and extols the awesomeness of the TOTUS, while continuing to demonize the previous administration.

This is the same group of economic advisers who have practically no private business sector experience and all came from the halls of academia and public life.

Meanwhile here in the real world the average citizen will continue to struggle and add many unnecessary years to their lives worrying about keeping their job or finding the next one.

I may be wrong, but after the attacks of 9/11, while the blogs were full of condemnation of the Clinton policies regarding intelligence and homeland security, I don't remember a string of Bush administration officials coming out on a daily basis and blaming the attack on the previous administration, and they certainly didn't spend endless hours lamenting the fact that they inherited the problem. Yes President Bush inherited the Islamic terrorism problem, as did all previous administrations going back to it's genesis under Obama's apparent idol and maybe mentor Jimmy Carter.

The same person he will replace in the history books as the worst president evah.

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