Remember this meltdown from Anthony Weiner last week? He was so cute railing against the evil insurance companies and making the absurd claim he never met a Republican who wasn't wholly owned by the big, bad insurance companies.
Well, look what we've got here. It turns out Weiner himself has taken insurance company money. Seems I've never met a sniveling Democrat who wasn't a total hypocrite.
But who owns Weiner?I guess glomming money from Big Labor, Big Trial Lawyer, Big Medical, Big Beer, and Big Realty is fine with Weiner. Oh, and he also takes money from Big Insurance yet talks out the other said of his mouth and trashes the hand that feeds him.
The unions, for starters. Over the years, according to Federal Election Commission records, he's taken more than $631,000 from just about every Big Labor outfit imaginable.
Or the trial lawyers.
Well, they don't call themselves that anymore -- they're the American Association for Justice. And their political action committee has forked over $43,000 to keep Weiner in Congress.
Or groups like the AMA, the American Hospital Association and lobbying outfits for radiologists, cardiologists, podiatrists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, pathologists -- even veterinarians. They've been good for $122,500.
Wall Street -- you know, those financial companies that Democrats love to bash -- has kicked in $92,750.
Then there's the home builders' lobby ($22,500), the auto dealers' lobby ($25,000), the Realtors' lobby ($41,000), casino companies ($20,500) and the beer wholesalers ($12,500).
As for the evil insurance industry, Weiner has glommed up at least $20,300 from such companies as John Hancock, Met Life, MONY, New York Life and Prudential, as well as from the American Council of Life Insurers.
Sort of makes you wonder why all these special interests think that Anthony Weiner is so . . . well, special.
Funny, but I don't recall seeing Weiner whining on the House floor about all his Democrat friends, including his mentor Chuckie Schumer, taking all that money from Big Bernie Madoff.
Facts are terrible things, aren't they?
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