
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Terrorist Teabagger John Patrick Bedell ID'd as Pentagon Shooter; Update: He's a 9/11 Troofer

Just getting out in front and doing the legwork for Frank Rich and Jonathan Capeheart, not to mention the crazies at the HuffPost, among other asylums.
A gunman opened fire outside the Metro Entrance of the Pentagon at 6:40 pm Thursday, grazing two Pentagon police officers who returned fire, critically wounding the shooter.

The suspect's name is John Patrick Bedell, sources tell Fox News Justice Producer Mike Levine. Fox has also learned that authorities are questioning a second person, who at this point is not considered a suspect.

Pentagon Chief of Police, Richard Keevill, described the suspect as a U.S. citizen who calmly approached officers at the badge checkpoint, reached into his pocket -- pulled out a handgun and started shooting. A witness on the scene who spoke to Fox said as many as 20 shots were fired in the exchange.

Both the injured officers and the suspect were taken to nearby George Washington Hospital. The officers are said to be in good condition with non life-threatening injuries, according to a statement from the Pentagon. One Pentagon official told Fox the suspect was shot in the head.
Meanwhile, is there a second shooter?
Law enforcement officials say they have one person in custody and are investigating whether a second was involved in the shooting near an entrance to the Pentagon Metro station.
Teabagger conspiracy?

Update: This just in: John Patrick Bedell has actually seen a news program where Tea Parties were mentioned. Stay tuned for breaking developments. Clearly he's a Teabagger.

Weird, but I came across a story saying Bedell was from Upstate NY, but if you search for that you come to this NYTimes story with no mention of Bedell being from upstate. So we'll assume he's still a Teabagger Terrorist.

As we figured, our glue-sniffing friends at the HuffPost are on to it.

Update: You can be assured this story will quickly go away. He's a 9/11 Troofer.
There were signs, however, that Bedell may have resented the military and had doubts about the facts behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was "determined to see that justice is served" in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the back yard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a coverup.

The user named JPatrickBedell wrote the Sabow case was "a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions."

That same posting railed against the government's enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author's 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting.
I'm not saying he was inspired by Frank Rich and the netroots. It just sounds like someone who would read Frank Rich and the netroots.

On the upside, this maggot is dead. Was he nuts? Well, he did attend UC Santa Cruz, a moonbat hotbed.

Zombie notices an eerie quiet on the lefty blogs.
Now, I’ve been to innumerable “Truther” rallies over the last 8 years, and can say with some confidence that about 98% of folks who think 9/11 was a hoax are left-wingers, or at the very least fit in very comfortably in the left-wing milieu, since the impetus behind Truthism is to undermine the basis for Bush’s “War on Terror,” an impetus which is also a cornerstone of modern Leftist thought as well.

So far, however, I’ve noticed a deafening quietude on the left-leaning blogs about this guy’s affiliations and belief systems. Those brave enough to troll leftist comments sections have noted mumblings therein that the guy was probably a secret “teabagger,” despite all evidence to the contrary.

Compare this to the response in the leftosphere when Joseph Stack flew his plane into an Austin IRS building a couple weeks earlier. Despite leaving a suicide note that approvingly cited Karl Marx and that condemned capitalism as nothing but “greed,” he was pilloried by every left-leaning site as a right-wing hitman who epitomized the inherent violence of the Tea Party movement — because he had anti-government feelings.
Hmmm. Bedell lived in a gated community, just like a certain husky, pony-tailed blogger. Not saying there's any connection, but it does raise suspicions.

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