
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

'Worse Than Watergate? This Time it is the Crime AND the Coverup'

Ordinarily when a Democrat dredges up Watergate it's over a Republican scandal, be it real or fabricated. Well, in this case it's a Democrat bringing it up to call for the resignation of another Democrat. And the pressure is mounting by the hour for David Paterson to resign.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Democratic leader John Sampson have just arrived at the governor's mansion near the Capitol where Gov. Paterson has been holed up for the past two days.

The two leaders said nothing on their way into the mansion, although it is believed they may be bringing a message to the governor that it's time for him to resign his office.

Paterson has been embroiled in a scandal stemming from revelations that he may have been involved in directing a cover-up of the domestic violence incident involving one of his close aides.

Sherr-una Booker told police she was roughed up on Halloween last year by Paterson aide David Johnson, her boyfriend at the time, but later decided not to press any charges.

At issue is whether Paterson or anyone from his staff or security detail influenced her decision.

Paterson has acknowledged that he spoke with Booker, but said she initiated the call and that he did not try to get her to change her story.

State Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs, who has been a Paterson supporter, was also on his way to Albany to meet with the governor.

"I called him, I have not spoken with him yet," Jacobs told The Post, declining to say specifically what he planned to say, but acknowledging the latest allegations are serious.

This comes as State Sen. Craig Johnson (D-Long Island) wrote on his Twitter account this morning, "Worse than Watergate? This time it is the crime AND the coverup."

The push for Paterson to step out is beginning in earnest, multiple sources told The Post, adding that he's being given a very hard sell that he has to leave.

"He can't govern," said one insider familiar with the discussions, while another said, "I don't see how he he lasts the week."
How bad is it for Paterson? Even the politically tone-deaf charmers from NOW have chimed in.
“It is inappropriate for the governor to have any contact or to direct anyone to contact an alleged victim of violence,” said Marcia Pappas, president of NOW New York State. “This latest news is very disappointing for those of us who believed the governor was a strong advocate for women’s equality and for ending violence against women.”
How naive they are, thinking Democrats care the slightest bit about women. If they had the slightest clue they'd have been out in front of this story at least a week ago.


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