
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Snarktastic: Oregon Tea Party Recommends Anger Management for Party Crashing Moron, Calls It a Teachable Moment

This is just too funny. Here we have the symbol of unhinged lefty rage at a group of peaceful protesters and the intended victims of his hatred turn around and use liberal feel-good pap on him. It's probably just going to send him further over the edge, but hey, let's have some laughs at his expense before he fades further into oblivion.

See if you can spot the feel-good liberal nostrums laden throughout the story.
The Tea Partiers are taking the high road. Just because Oregon middle school teacher Jason Levin has publicly denounced them as a bunch of "racists, homophobes and morons," they say that's no reason for him to lose his job.

All Levin really needs, they say, is some sensitivity training and some anger management therapy.

Levin, who declared his mission to "dismantle and demolish" the Tea Party on his "Crash the Tea Party" website, was placed on administrative leave last week while a state education board and his school district investigate whether the technology teacher promoted identity theft against Tea Party activists and misused school property.

But the Oregon Tea Party seems to be sipping chamomile. It doesn't want his neck -- just an apology from Levin and the Beaverton School District.

"We don't want to see Jason Levin fired, we want to see him helped," said Oregon Tea Party founder Geoff Ludt. "We want to reach out to him and we want to use his actions to create a teachable moment."
You've got to love the sarcasm.

I say fire the piece of garbage, but at the same time that probably will just give him victimhood status and make him a martyr to the angry left.
The group is calling on the Beaverton School District to:

-- Apologize for inadequately supervising their teacher

-- Issue a written pledge to thoroughly investigate whether Levin encouraged his students to repeat overtly racist statements

-- Send a letter to all staff reminding them of district policy prohibiting teacher engagement in political activity on school time or using school resources

Despite being called “that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons” among a litany of other offensive names, the Oregon Tea Party says that as long as Levin successfully undergoes anger management and sensitivity classes, they see no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to teach.

"Levin sees us as enemies. We see him as a fellow human being who is obviously very angry and troubled. Political dialogue will never advance if we are unable to treat each other decently as human beings," Ludt said.
Via Hot Air.

No small irony that the more people realize how peaceful tea partiers are that the left becomes more enraged and likely prone to violence. It's just their nature.

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