Wednesday, May 12, 2010

County Commission To Jesse Jackson: STFU

Clayton County, Georgia is the most dysfunctional county in America; well, maybe next to whatever county Detroit is in. Recently, they had to cut off their commuter bus service due to funding problems. In a county where a large portion of the residents rely on government-funded transportation, along with government funded everything else, this was a huge blow. Suddenly, thousands of people were left without the means to get around, go to work or to school. The commission took an all or nothing stance on the issue, which puzzled many others as to why they couldn't go to some sort of limited service, but we figured it all amounted to trying to put pressure on the rest of the metro Atlanta area and the state to come to their rescue.

Well, nobody did. So now Jesse Jackson rides into town and of course he offers the typical liberal solution. Raise taxes!

The county commission gave Mr. Jackson two minutes to state his case and when he asked for an extra minute they told him no.

Time to shut up.

You have got to hand it to the state representative who, in her protestation of the shutting up of the Jesse, deemed his being there as "gracing us with his presence."

By the way, Clayton County is what you would consider the revrund's base. It is 51% black with a 7.5% hispanic and 35% white demographic.

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