
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Genius at Work: Bloomberg, Kelly Support Gun Control for Suspected Terrorists

Whether this story and headline is misinterpreting the stance of Mr. Salty is subject to debate, but make no mistake New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is exploiting the attempted Times Square bombing to push his anti-gun crusade. Now the idea anyone in their right mind would want actual terrorists to own guns is preposterous on its face, but by using the very ineffective terror watch list and demanding anyone on it be barred from purchasing weapons just isn't feasible. After all, how many people on there with common names go through hell just trying to get on a plane?
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Wednesday, discussing terrorism in America.

"We have to get control of immigration in this country," Mayor Bloomberg said, to the agreement of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). "We need immigrants, but we should be choosing who comes here, what skills, where they come from -- and not let who wants to come here determine that."
Yeah, well the folks in Arizona could fill you in on that, but they're Nazis or something.
Where the mayor and senator differ is on the issue of gun control as it pertains to suspected terrorists. Both Mayor Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told the committee they support legislation to make it more difficult for suspected terrorists to buy guns.
Well, duh. It's absurd to believe that any legitimate gun dealer would knowingly sell weapons to known terrorists, but if they're relying on the federal watch list, then we're rrunning into serious problems. Plus, as it turns out Faisal Shahzad legally bought a Tec-9 in Connecticut since he wasn't on a suspected terror list, although he reportedly was on the radar in 2004, which also begs the question why he received citizenship five years later?

Two days ago before he knew the facts Bloomberg was suggesting it was someone opposed to ObamaCare that perpetrated this crime. Then yesterday he warned against some mythical backlash against Muslims. Today he's back to his gun crusade, shamelessly exploiting this high-profile incident to advance his cause. He's beneath contempt.

Let's also not forget Big Sis Napolitano wanted to expand the watch list last year to include veterans and "suspected" militia types, subject to list supplied by the very dubious Southern Poverty Law Center.

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