The question at the press conference at the State House yesterday was, Why do these illegal types keep gravitating to Massachusetts?Thanks to Hot Air for the link.
The attorney general, “Marsha” Coakley, was a no-show, but she’d already answered the question a few weeks ago on Worcester radio station WCRN.
Marsha, why are so many of these illegal aliens invading Massachusetts?
“Technically,” she replied, “it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”
That’s one of the people Deval said had been briefing him on the “probe.” Whew - good to know, we have people who are serious about this problem. Back to Deval at the press conference.
“Two people in Massachusetts are in federal custody.”
But the bigger problem was, he wouldn’t say what they were charged with: immigration violations. See, the governor doesn’t like to talk about illegal aliens, especially when they’re committing crimes, as opposed to just being illegal, which Marsha Coakley says is not illegal.
Deval has been “fully briefed” on the probe, or so he said, so he must have known that the feds were tracking illegal aliens. Or maybe no one dared tell him that they were on the trail of some of the people he wants to give in-state tuition to.
Arrested in Watertown - will the Boston City Council vote to boycott Watertown next?
The second suspect was lugged at the Double Tree in Allston - that’s Boston. Does this mean the City Council will now have to bocyott itself?
Deval was playing the most unlikely role of his career, assuring everyone that he was on top of what might be a terrorist probe, although of course he would never use the “T” word.
“That may be a step too far for the moment.”
Everyone remain calm! Inspector Deval is on the case.
“Police have stepped up their surveillance.”
But . . but . . . that sounds so Arizona. What’s a moonbat to do?
Friday, May 14, 2010
'Technically, It Is Not Illegal To Be Illegal In Massachusetts'
I guess now that some illegal Pakistanis have been rounded up in connection with the Times Square bomb plot, this insipid quote from the idiotic Martha Coakley no longer applies. Amazing how this woman managed to lose the Senate race last January, isn't it?
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