Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Uh, Lady, You Might Have a Gambling Problem ...

The things some people will do to get their casino fix. Check out this woman in New Mexico. Her van breaks down on the way to the casino, so while toting an oxygen tank she decides to hope on some piece of junk motorized scooter to finish her trip to the casino.

On the freeway.
A woman on a motorized scooter took to the interstate in Albuquerque on Tuesday in hopes of reaching the casino.

Charlie Martin isn't one to let minor setbacks slow her down.

"My van broke," Martin said.

So when she wanted to go to the casino, she said she hopped on her scooter and took off, except it wasn't a short trip.

"I don't know -- maybe 8 miles," Martin said.

She said she took the fastest route possible, which is Interstate 25.

"I only had one person yell at me. It was a kid -- I told him to shut up," Martin said.

After several calls, police tracked her down after she had pulled over to the side of the road because her oxygen tank was low.

She said she tried to stand, but collapsed and took a tumble into the bushes. Crews were able to help her up and get her some more oxygen.

Martin said she didn't think it was a bad idea to head down the highway.

"No, I wouldn't have fallen if I didn't get off the scooter," Martin said.

Martin said she didn't grab a shuttle because of the cost.

"You have to pay $100 a night at one of those fancy motels, and they will come pick you up," Martin said.

To be safe, emergency crews took Martin to the hospital to get checked out.
They should take her to a Gambler's Anonymous meeting after that.

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