Jeb Bush -- who was always derisively referred to as the smartest of the Bush brothers -- seemed presidential at the state Republican convention at the Sheraton New York on Wednesday night.Speaking of Dubya, he says if given the chance he'd be more than happy to waterboard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed again. That makes at least two of us. HuffPosters are outrageously outraged.
After Fox News pundit Monica Crowley fired up the crowd and Mayor Bloomberg drew surprisingly enthusiastic applause considering he left the GOP, Jeb spoke and brought down the house, leading to speculation that the former Florida governor will run for president.
Overhead from a top GOPer: "After this Obama nightmare, the Bush brand is looking pretty good."
The Republicans were also talking about how President Obama spent Memorial Day weekend in Chicago and VP Joe Biden vacationed in Southampton -- as the BP oil leak kept gushing.
"Imagine if George W. Bush or Dick Cheney had escaped to the Hamptons for some R&R in the middle of Katrina," scoffed one party loyalist.
Friday, June 04, 2010
'After This Obama Nightmare, the Bush Brand is Looking Pretty Good'
Time for a second look at Jeb Bush? Maybe. If he were actually to ascend to the presidency we could at least get back to legitimately blaming Bush for all our perceived ills.
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