
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'I Imagine There is a Queue of People Wanting to Punch Me in the Face'

After reading this the folks in Britain may not want only to punch this guy in the face, but he may have to go into witness protection when the hooligans read what he has to say about them.

Meet Mr. Vuvuzela, the most hated man in Britain.
He is making a fortune but he also is risking becoming the most unpopular man in the country.

His name is David Broughton and he is the salesman who has introduced vuvuzelas to the UK.

He has been quietly importing the noisy South African trumpets since last July and has already sold 10,000. Since the World Cup kicked off the 40-year-old has been selling the plastic horns for £10 each at a rate of one a minute.

But the businessman, known as Mr Vuvuzela, admits he is likely to be public enemy number one this summer with the horn's deafening monotone loathed by millions.

The BBC has already had 545 complaints from fans fed up with the deafening din and is even considering a vuvuzela-free zone via its red button.

'I imagine there is a queue of people wanting to punch me in the face,' said Mr Broughton, who insisted on wearing sunglasses for his photo so he wouldn't be recognised in the street.

'I know they have divided public opinion but I love them. People who say they ruin the atmosphere are missing the point. Perhaps the sound doesn't come across that well on TV but they are uniting a nation in South Africa.

'I would far rather listen to a vuvuzela than have to put up with the intelligentsia of English football fans using their limited vocabulary to express their opinions on the referee.'

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