And fought in two wars.
That is the claim of this assclown who made a good living, although I can't figure out how since they say he gave free seminars, along with claiming to be a former law enforcement officer. I guess the sale of pepper spray is more profitable then I imagined.
On the scale of cases which veterans classify as Stolen Valor this one ranks pretty low, but it is interesting that he used his failure to make it through Marine boot camp as a resume enhancement along with just about everything else he boasted of accomplishing. What got him in trouble however is a picture of him holding a weapon which was a violation of his sentence he received after being convicted of impersonating a police officer.
I cannot express enough to organizations to do a better job of checking out the people you invite to come speak to your group. It is far too easy to let these shysters into your midst, and often claiming to be vet helps to sweep away a lot of the due diligence that should be exercised. I don't care if you are putting together a speaker for local knitting club or a national organization do not let somebody merely sweep into the room on the claim of service without doing some sort of checking. I know civilians are not well versed in looking at military paperwork to verify service but find somebody you trust to do it for you. Most veterans can spot a phony 10 seconds into a conversation and I am sure the same is true for law enforcement people.
This doesn't just apply to these type of professions either. Do your own verification whether the speaker is supposed to be an expert on recycling lawn clippings to make gold or a noted best selling author. Al Gore bamboozled an entire world with a resume that consists of being a Army reporter in Vietnam, a lawyer and then politician riding on the coattails of his father. Nowhere in this list is there anything even remotely coming close to the skill set necessary to even land a job as weatherman on a local television station.
Larwyn’s Linx: Trump and the Lower Courts
9 hours ago
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