
Monday, June 07, 2010

Those Poor, Poor Illegal Immigrant Students

A lot of attention has been given lately to the plight of students who are the offspring of illegal aliens, therefore making them illegal aliens also, and I ain't talking about those anchor baby cases. Well, here we have a case of one of those nice law abiding illegals taking up a class seat, and now a jail cell, that real Americans I guess don't want.

The suspect in this case thought it would fun to throw a bleach filled balloon at another kid walking down the street from a moving vehicle.

The result is the balloon hit the kid in the face and blinded him.
But Juan Carlos Flores remains in jail due to a possible immigration violation, according to jail records.

Flores, a Meadowcreek High School student, has been charged with aggravated battery for throwing the balloon at 14-year-old Miguel Mesa on the last day of school. Flores was one of four students in a van when the incident took place, but he is the only one being charged as an adult, due to his age.
Ever since the story first broke I have been keeping an eye out on the coverage because of the people involved. Yeah, yeah, call it racial profiling. Whatever. I was not disappointed, however.

You see, Gwinnett County is one of four counties in Georgia who have the ability to ask for and determine the immigration status of people they arrest. You know, just like Arizona wants to do.

The other is Cobb County, which, of course, brought to light the case of the college student who once pulled over for a traffic violation it was determined that she too was in the country illegally.

Funny how these work out. Not funny ha-ha, but funny in that way that only leads one to suspect the motives of those who are so adamantly against enforcement of our immigration laws.

I wonder if our upstanding U.S. Attorney General is going to rush to the defense of these people with the same zeal that he is pursuing lawsuits against Arizona. Note to Mr. Holder: Cobb and Gwinnett counties are merely enforcing existing federal law.

Look it up.

On a related note arrests for driving without a license have plummeted in certain counties. See if you can guess which ones before clicking the link and read what law enforcement says could be a contributing factor.

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