
Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Nice Lady Will Show You to the Comfy Padded Cell Now, Mr. Vice President

Poor Joe Biden. He babbling incoherently and repeating himself again.
"I think we're going to shock the heck out of everybody," Biden said. "We're going to win the House and we're also going to win the Senate. We're not going to lose either one of those bodies."

Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Biden said Democratic losses in the fall would not be so severe. "To paraphrase Mark Twain, I think the reports of our demise are premature," he said.

Democrats like Gibbs have reason to be concerned. The economy is still on shaky ground, and poll after poll shows President Obama's approval ratings down and voters increasingly looking for a Republican alternative in Congress come November.

An ABC/Washington Post poll last week showed registered voters would rather see Republicans take control of Congress by an 8-point margin. A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll released Friday showed 33 percent of registered voters say their 2010 vote for Congress will express support for Obama - with 41 percent saying their vote will reflect opposition to Obama.
Hmm. That quote seems so familiar.
“Reports of our demise are premature,” Biden told Politico, while making a surprise July 4 visit to Iraq.
Seems like Joey Plugs is fond of paraphrasing Mark Twain.
Vice President Joe Biden told Democrats today that losing their 60th vote in the Senate to GOP Sen.-elect Scott Brown in Massachusetts may, in fact, be a blessing in disguise for the party.

"The reports of our demise are premature," Biden said at a meeting of the Democratic National Committee's National Finance Committee/National Advisory Board in Washington. "It's time everybody take a deep breath, take a deep breath, let's put this in perspective."
Yeah, back in January he also promised great things come the spring.
"We can't get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent after this great recession in two years, but you're going to see come the spring net increases in jobs," he said.
Really? How'd that work out?

Believe it or not, Biden seems to like this quote.
Said that Republicans "success rests in our failure," and as they are "egged on by tea partiers," compromise has become a "dirty word" and working with POTUS and Pelosi has become a "dirty deed."

Pledged Democratic wins in November: "To paraphrase Samuel Clemens, the reports of our demise are premature."
And again from April speaking to union goons.
“We cannot, we cannot, we cannot be down on our prospects this November,” Biden said to applause at the Washington Hilton. “You know, Samuel Clemens once said, ‘Reports of my death are premature.’ Well, reports of our demise are premature. We still need you.”
Wait, there he was in March.
"The reports of our demise are premature," he said, paraphrasing Mark Twain, to audience laughter.
Well, it seems they're not the only ones laughing.

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