Thirty-eight percent of independents approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president, the first time independent approval of Obama has dropped below 40% in a Gallup Daily tracking weekly aggregate. Meanwhile, Obama maintains the support of 81% of Democrats, and his job approval among Republicans remains low, at 12%.Who are heck are these Republicans that still support Obama?
These data are based on Gallup Daily tracking interviews conducted the week of June 28-July 4.In the face of all this the man is dumb enough to go and sue a state over a wildly popular law.
Over the past year, Obama has lost support among all party groups, though the decline has been steeper among independents than among Republicans or Democrats. Today's 38% approval rating among independents is 18 percentage points lower than the 56% found July 6-12, 2009. During the same period, his support has fallen nine points among Democrats (from 90% to 81%) and eight points among Republicans (from 20% to 12%).
Overall, 46% of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing as president in the June 28-July 4 aggregate, one point above his lowest weekly average. Obama's average weekly job approval rating has not been above 50% since Feb. 8-14, though it reached the 50% mark as recently as May 3-9.
Obama's lower ratings come amid a still-struggling economy, the ongoing difficulties presented by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the recent change of command in the war in Afghanistan. Underscoring the challenge at hand, Obama's 44% approval rating in July 2-5 polling (Gallup did not interview July 4) ties his lowest three-day average to date.
Seems his mission is to do as much damage as possible to both America and his own image faster than any predecessor.
Meanwhile the news for other Democrats is even worse, assuming people know who you are.
These figures are somewhat reversed for Vice President Joe Biden as 45% of Americans have a negative view of his job performance. Just one-quarter (26%) have a positive view, while three in ten (29%) are not familiar with him.Three in ten have no idea who the VPOTUS is, but I'm sure they could readily identify LeBron James, Lady Gaga or Lindsay Lohan.
H/T Andrew Malcolm.
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