
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Asian Born Muslim Praises Obama For Continuing Bush Plan in Iraq

An Asian born Muslim paraphrasing another allegedly Asian born Muslim, yeah I went there for the cheap shot, but with all of the not so cheap shots most of us average Americans have been taking lately I couldn't resist, in a recent interview Fareed Zakaria says that Obama is getting out of Iraq because he never wanted to be there to start with.
CNN: In light of that conflict, why is Obama proceeding with the withdrawal?

Zakaria: Obama believes this is a war we should never have gotten involved in, that it has been a waste of American resources -- most importantly American lives but also treasure -- and that his job is to minimize the exposure of the United States to this and reduce our commitments so that he can focus America's energy and efforts in other places. And he's been very disciplined about this, very unsentimental about it.

Zakaria who is being interviewed is the editor of Newsweek's International edition, a contributor to Slate, has written for the Washington Post and has his own show on CNN. This is a guy, who when the left get mad at him for not being progressive enough call him a neocon. For those that don't know all of those agencies listed above are about as liberal as you can get.

Obama and Zakaria have several traits in common. Obama likes to read Zakaria's book like "The Post-American World". They both went to Harvard with Zak going to Yale also while Barry went to Columbia.

In truth the groundwork for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq is in keeping with the guidelines set down during the Bush administration and enabled by the surge implemented by General Petraeus, not because of anything Barry O has done. Hell he was handed the keys and the best way to describe his contribution is he didn't mess it up. What is happening right now with the troop withdrawals was crafted years ago and we can simply see the visible signs of that now.

All I am saying is Zakaria is more likely to be a mouthpiece for Obama then he is any sort of critical analyst. We only have Zakaria's retelling of his interview so you can't say this is a direct quote or was even said and may only be what Fareed wishes Obama would say or he is engaging in some heavy mind reading.

An ability reserved for Asian born Muslims.

Besides we all know Barry O is an American born Black Liberation Theology member.

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