
Monday, August 16, 2010

Julian Assange Relishing Role As Judge, Jury, and Executioner

So Julian "Wikileaks" Ass-ange says that loss of life due to his publishing documents he received from at least one traitor in the military is an acceptable risk. This from a guy who is reduced to making calls using Skype from undisclosed location while changing his appearance. Too bad the folks in our military and those civilians in Afghanistan who will suffer the wrath of the Taliban and Al Queda are not afforded such an opportunity. And actually he says only the loss of their life is acceptable.
Any U.S. and allied casualties that result from the publication of classified Afghan war documents would be an acceptable risk, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested Monday, saying "such information is also likely to save a great many lives."

This guys cookie has slid off the plate as evidenced by his continual reference to black helicopters from the Pentagon out to get him. He rest pretty confident that any action against him will be in the nature of trying to shut down his web site or a hit to his financial stream and not any sort of physical harm.

His overwhelming hatred of the war in Afghanistan has clouded his judgment and good sense, if he ever possessed either of those things to start with.

Julian the very same head choppers who stone couples for committing adultery would gladly throw you into the same mass grave with all other non-believers given half a chance and you are an idiot if you believe any differently.

This guy is real bold and brave with other peoples lives.

I can't wait until he starts publishing the list of people in the witness protection program.

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